Kylee admits that the ecommerce of portion of their site could use some work on mobile devices, but they’re excited to see what new fans they can draw in from a fresh PPC campaign. They’ve adapted their website to work smoothly on mobile devices, making it easy for users to access contact information and check out the menu from the convenience of their phone. To give you a feel for their audience size, Jack Stack’s Facebook account has over 44,000 followers and is growing by the hundreds monthly! Kylee says that their fans like to see a brand like Jack Stack Barbecue share or engage with their personal content. In addition to community culture posts, they’ve made a lot of headway with user-generated content-people sharing their reviews, engaging in conversations on Twitter, and posting artistic photos of their food on Instagram.

People like to see that we’re passionate about the same things they are.” “the content we share related to the Chiefs and Royals, or how great Kansas City is, get a lot of attention. People love that Jack Stack is involved in all things Kansas City. They’ve built up a large following with high engagement on their social media platforms by incorporating content marketing into their social media. They share backstage peeks into what each location is working on, what’s on the pit that day, and how they’re getting involved in the community. Kylee says they’ve been utilizing social media to generate brand recognition and get their fans involved in the barbecue process. They accomplish this by sticking to their 8 brand values which revolve around good service to their guests, excellence in their work and integrity as an employee. Jack Stack follows its missions statement to “ create remarkable Barbecue experiences” by providing a level of excellence for people to remark on. Recently, they have gotten back to their roots, cutting their menu down to focus on the items that made them a Kansas City staple (the ‘craveables’, as they call them).
In the past 20 years, they expanded their offerings to a full menu ranging from traditional barbecue to steaks, salads, and seafood.

Russ Fiorella began Jack Stack as a traditional barbecue storefront with a modest 5-item menu. With a brand that’s prospered since 1957, you’ve gotta have a formula that works. We had a chance to sit down with Jack Stack Barbecue’s four-year marketing manager, Kylee Markey, and ask her some questions about how Jack Stack manages to stand out in a crowd of delicious barbecue eateries around the area. In fact, we even have our own Barbeque Society ( KCBS) with over 10,000 members worldwide. BBQ sauce runs in our blood, baked beans are a staple in every meal worth eating, and pulled pork actives our salivary glands like a light switch.